Do you have a best friend, with whom you share your most intimate
secrets? There is an intimate part of our heart, where Christ lives,
that requires us to share the hope that is within us. Paul recorded in
Colossians “. . Christ in you the hope of glory.” Christ in His children
is the only hope any of us have. Our privilege is to share our hope
with those around us.
But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as
Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks
you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and
respectfully. 1 Peter 3:15 (AMP)
Today, share the hope that is in you.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.
Remember God Loves You and I Do Too.
Mom, Sharan, Granny.
Jesus is coming – share His love, mercy and grace.