Do you ever get bogged down with the events of daily life and wonder
why you are here? Now I know Rick Warren wrote the “Purpose Driven
Life,” which was a wonderful book on our purpose. In the book of Acts,
Luke wrote a very succinct statement regarding our purpose.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Luke wrote, “And now, behold, I go bound in
the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there:
Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and
afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my
life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the
ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the
grace of God.” Acts 20:22-24 (KJV)
Today, fulfill your purpose each day as the Holy Spirit leads you and provides
you opportunity.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.
Remember God Loves You and I Do Too.
Mom, Granny, Sharan
Jesus is coming – share the gospel while you can.