
Men’s Breakfast – December

The December Men’s breakfast was Sat December 8 and was enjoyed by all who attended.  Along with the congregation of Lighthouse Fellowship we had our brothers in Christ from Greater Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in attendance.  After coffee and fellowship time, we had a great breakfast of pancakes, sausage, biscuits, gravy, and scrambled eggs.  Pastor Guillory of Greater Mt. Carmel Baptist Church gave a short sermon, “What’s in your hands?”.  Pastor Guillory glorified the Lord reminding us that the Lord can solve your problems with the tools at any time, with tools you have, but you must turn to him and listen to him.

I really enjoyed the sermon and the fellowship with all in attendance and always do.  Our breakfasts are open to all who wish to attend, fellowship, eat, and hear the word of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Thanks to Jerry Johnson these men’s breakfast are being held quarterly and I am looking forward to the next one.  Keep an eye on our calendar and join us for the next one!


Edward Robinson is a Steward at Lighthouse Fellowship. He is also a father, husband, and stumbling but persistent follower of Christ.