Daily Inspiration



Did you ever feel as though you don’t know enough to accomplish a task?  What do you do when that occurs – read, study, prepare or perhaps even give up?  Sometimes giving up is easier; but, not as rewarding.  The search for knowledge is a never ending journey.  We will never know everything; but, the things we know about Jesus and why He came; can make a difference for all eternity for someone.   

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Luke wrote, “And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,.”  Luke 1:30-33 (KJV)

Today, celebrate His birth by sharing your knowledge of why He came.

Blessed and Be a Blessing

Remember God Loves You and I Do Too.

Mom, Granny, Sharan

Jesus is coming soon – for all, believers and non-believers alike.  It is the reception each will receive that will make the difference for all eternity.  What will be your reception?

Sharan Robinson

I'm a retired Registered Nurse, who has a love for Jesus and for sharing His word. My passion is for the Lost to Know Him as Savior and Lord. I have been writing my Morning Thoughts now each morning for a couple of years. I hope God will use them to Bless you and others with His Word.