Daily Inspiration



Many things have been exposed in the recent weeks.  Much of which may or may not be of interest to you. Do you have things in your heart with which you are reluctant to deal?  Is it painful or fearful?  The writer of Hebrews said God’s word exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.  When God’s word sheds light on our inner most thoughts and desires, He does so with love and mercy.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Hebrews records, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

Today, let God into those hidden chambers of your heart.  He wants to set you free.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing

Remember God Loves You and I Do Too.

Mom, Granny, Sharan

Jesus is coming soon – for all who will call upon Him.

Sharan Robinson

I'm a retired Registered Nurse, who has a love for Jesus and for sharing His word. My passion is for the Lost to Know Him as Savior and Lord. I have been writing my Morning Thoughts now each morning for a couple of years. I hope God will use them to Bless you and others with His Word.